Design Me Happy - Programme
We were delighted to be able to screen the following short films at our ‘Design Me Happy’ screening event as part of the this year’s Architecture Fringe Festival - ‘In Real Life’.
A short digital animation by Federico Babina that illustrates some of the many mental health disorders in their architectural forms. The haunting built forms depicting mental illnesses like anxiety, narcolepsy and phobias reflect and highlight the relationship between mental health and our creative professions.
A beautifully depicted intimate view of the New Horizon Youth Centre, designed by Adam Khan Architects. The NHYC is a day centre for young homeless people looking for a place which can provide support, friendship, community and fresh starts in life. Filmed by Lewis Khan for Adam Khan Architects.
Commissioned by Paul Stallan and filmed by Andrew Koji and Dominic Coates, this story captures the decisive few days in the life of Basil, a young man who suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, a psychological condition in which a person becomes obsessed with imaginary defects in their appearance. Basil is forced to face the demons that infest his mind, and leave the safety of his home when he is pushed to initiate a change in his life.
A surreal short film by Caravane, Camille Boyer and Nik Mirus that challenges perceptions of both scale and space. We are taken on a journey through the talented construction of miniature film sets that explore a series of curious landscapes as we embrace the unknown.
A short and intense animation by Six n’ Five and Twistedpoly that will put your senses on edge as this multi-collaborative project explores how artificial common materials work themselves into an organic atmosphere. An unfamiliar perception of material, texture, colour and sound.
A short yet lively painted animation by Georges Schwizgebel that takes us to a landscape whose scenery is constantly morphing and mutating. Schwizgebel takes us on a disorientating ride through the helter-skelter world which evokes the chaos of our everyday lives.
What does ‘home’ mean to you?
Award-winning Danish filmmaker Boris Bertram explores the meaning of home through this visually stunning film, ‘The Human Shelter’. Shot across four continents over 18 months, the film documents shelters from all corners of the earth, exploring what it is that defines the places we feel at ease, the spaces of comfort and familiarity.
While exposing the peculiarities of dwelling in climatic extremes, isolation, displacement and community, we are intimately drawn into the lives of people with one thing in common, a desire to feel at home.