Homo Urbanus
As lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease across the country our cities and urban spaces are starting to come back to life after months of hibernation. This time of isolation has provided us with a whole new appreciation for the cities that we live in and love to visit across the world.
Video artists, filmmakers, producers and publishers Ila Beka & Louise Lemoine have been undertakng a long-term research project that looks at cities across the world and asks the question ‘what makes a city?’
Their collection of films ‘Homo Urbanus’ celebrates the vibrancy, rhythm and landscape of 10 different cities across the world. The films that are currently available are Bogota, Naples, Saint-Petersburg, Rabat, Seoul and Tokyo, with Doha, Kyoto, Shanghai and Venice coming soon.
Click the link below which will take you to their Vimeo account where you can purchase the films to watch!