Homemade City
So much of what we do at WT Architecture is about learning what it is about a place that makes it special to those who live, work and play there. A large part of this is understanding the culture, personal and wider histories of a place through conversations with people of all ages. Inspired and excited by the future opportunities that it brings, we would like to share this fantastic project called Homemade City by Action For Sama and Future Aleppo.
This is a new initiative inspired by a young Syrian boy and ‘architect’ called Mohammad Kteish who one day, back in 2015, reached out to the world renowned filmmaker and journalist Waad al-Kateab. Tucked away in his dad’s workshop for four months, Mohammad rebuilt his home city of Aleppo while being surrounded by the bombing attacks on hospitals, schools and the Aleppo’s treasured landmarks.
Interested in Mohammad’s story, Waad made a short film called ‘Inside Aleppo: the boy who dreams of rebuilding his city’ where Mohammad talks about his dreams and designs for the future of his city (the film can be watched by clicking below).
After meeting Creative Producer Alex Pearson, together Mohammad and Alex created Future Aleppo which through virtual reality has brought hope and preservation to the city and its residents, those who have been forced to leave and those who remain. The project aims to help Mohammad realise his own dreams of becoming an architect while also getting as many young people involved as possible so that they too can rebuild their homes. Future Aleppo has become an award winning interactive exhibition of Mohammad’s model. The exhibition has been touring around the world, inviting people to participate in the project and learn of the city’s architectural and personal histories.
This year Waad al-Kateab, Mohammad Kteish and Future Aleppo teamed up to create Homemade City. The project has become a way that Future Aleppo can bring Mohammad’s vision into peoples’ homes during lockdown through a series of virtual tutorials and workshops, inviting children to send in their creations for them to be featured in the VR experience. Read more about the project by visiting Action For Sama or Future Aleppo online. You can also download examples of Future Aleppo’s virtual cities by clicking the link below!