Re-Tuning the Work Place
In the space of just a few short days at the end of March 2020 we threw up into the air our expectations of what a work place looks, sounds, smells and feels like.
For some people, this time might have been marked by revelations on how much better the work place can feel when you have the chance to tailor it around your needs rather than group consensus. For others this period might have brought you face to face with environmental factors that ratchet up stress, gnaw away at your focus and knock the pillars of your sense of comfort from under you.
Whatever your experience was, we reflect on how this experience offered a chance to look afresh at what the space we make for work can be.
We’ve written a guide to some of the key architectural components of a happy, healthy and productive place of work. For anyone navigating change in their working environment, whether at home or elsewhere we hope this is a useful reflection on how to make the most of the place you work. To download the guide just click on the link below.